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The Yorkshire Dales

Cross Hall Farm Caravan Park, although in Cumbria, is in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The historical explanation is that prior to county reorganisation in 1974 Sedbergh and most of the Howgills were in Yorkshire. This is why people, even forty years later, often look for \”Sedbergh, Yorkshire\” rather than \”Sedbergh, Cumbria\”.

So then, today you can enjoy the Yorkshire Dales National Park while at the same time being in the county of the Lake District. Not many caravan parks can claim such close affinity with two National Parks. Add in several Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) and Cautley (Sedbergh) is strategically placed among wonderful and very varied scenery in all directions.

The links below are to articles on our blog referring to the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.

A Visit to Hawes in Wensleydale

One of the places that we always recommend to our visitors is Hawes. This is a small market town in Wensleydale, just over fifteen miles east of Sedbergh, and the highest market town in England. Hawes provides a good day out, with plenty to do in attractive Yorkshire Dales surroundings. The Dales Countryside Museum in […] Read more

About a mile from Cautley in the Sedbergh direction there is a dog-leg bend in the road as it crosses a bridge over the River Rawthey. This is Straight Bridge, a rather incongruous name given the twist in the road! From there you can go over a style and walk alongside the river toward Sedbergh. […] Read more

Recently I’ve seen several conversation on-line about waterfall walks and which is the highest waterfall in England. It’s tempting to to intervene and state outright that Cautley Spout, which is only a mile or two from our caravan park at Cross Hall Farm, is the highest. But actually, I could be either right or wrong. […] Read more

Cross Hall Farm Caravan Park
Cross Hall Farm, Cautley
Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5LY
Phone: 07960 210336 or 07960 230219

Bob & Karen Brewer and their family
will be delighted to welcome you here

Self-contained Motorhomes: Easter to 31st October
Statics: 1st March to 31st January

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